Fra Mauro

Fra Mauro (c. 1385 – 1464) was a Venetian monk, cartographer, and scholar who lived during the Renaissance period. Born around 1385, he spent most of his life as a member of the Camaldolese Monastery of San Michele on the island of Murano near Venice. Fra Mauro was known for his exceptional skills in cartography, and he created one of the most important maps of the 15th century, the Fra Mauro Map.

The Fra Mauro Map is a large circular world map that measures 2.4 meters in diameter. It was created between 1457 and 1459 and is a remarkable feat of cartographic accuracy, depicting the known world of his time with great detail and precision. The map shows the Old World, including Europe, Asia, and Africa, and the Indian Ocean. The map also includes features such as mountains, rivers, and cities, along with illustrations of animals and mythical creatures.

Fra Mauro Map was groundbreaking in its accuracy and detail, and it was widely regarded as one of the most important maps of the time. The map was commissioned by King Afonso V of Portugal, who was interested in expanding his kingdom’s trade and exploration opportunities. Fra Mauro spent many years gathering information and creating the map, which was based on a combination of classical sources, travelers’ accounts, and his own observations.

In addition to his cartographic work, Fra Mauro was also a scholar and wrote extensively on a range of subjects, including geography, astronomy, and history. His maps and writings were highly respected and influential, and they played an important role in shaping European exploration and navigation during the Age of Discovery.

Fra Mauro died in 1464, just a few years after completing his map. Today, the Fra Mauro Map is considered a masterpiece of Renaissance cartography and is held in high esteem by scholars and historians around the world. Its accuracy and attention to detail continue to inspire and inform modern cartographers, and it remains an important artifact of the early modern period.

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